Getting around with Anaconda License violation while using Conda or Miniconda

If you are a Conda or Miniconda user you might have noticed that installing Anaconda packages via the default channel now requires a commercial license if you are an enterprise . If you are using it for individual purposes or are a startup, you are still able to use it without violating any license.

So for eg. if you normally installed conda and miniconda using the installers or any package manager and do a 

conda install <package>

it by default uses a default package repo channel to download that python package and install it. So you might be violating the licence by using this repo URL as your default channel. 

To confirm whether you are violating the license one can issue  conda config --show default_channels

It can be seen that default repo is set to use  channel URLs. 

To get around this violation there are multiple options. I will list 2 of them here.

Option#1 :

The first one is to use opensource and free to use channels like conda-forge as default channel for your conda or Miniconda installation. The conda-forge  is a Community-based Software Distribution Built on the conda Package Format and Ecosystem. (Zenodo.
Do use conda-forge as default channel,  perform the follwing steps.

  1. Add conda-forge to your existing conda or miniconda installation, using
    •  conda config --add channels conda-forge
  2. Once done verify the channels again using conda config --show channels . It should print following.
    • channels:
        - conda-forge
        - defaults
  3. Once verified, remove the defaults channel using conda config --remove channels defaults . Once removed issue conda config --show channels to verify that only conda-forge is present as the only channel. You should see output like.
    • channels:
        - conda-forge
 That is it, you are done with getting around this violation.

To verify this setup install a conda package and see the channel being used to download the package. If it looks like below, it is all good.


Option#2 :

 As a second option, one can use Miniforge. Miniforge is an effort to provide Miniconda-like installers, with the added feature that conda-forge is the default channel. 
Miniforge does this for you by default, but if you still love using conda or miniconda, fee free to set the default channel yourself using Option#1. 


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